Drone Repair Form

     Drone Service Form


Fill out in full, copy & paste & send to campandtackle@xtra.co.nz



There is an upfront fee of $150.00 that is non-refundable & allows 2 hours of our technician’s time & freight to and from our service centre to establish the problem & estimate the cost of repair.

                                               Payable to:

Camp and Tackle     ASB 12 3217 0163189-00     $150.00

                             Use your name as the reference.


DATE:                        NAME:                                               MOIBILE PHONE:



ADDRESS (full incl. postal code):                                     EMAIL ADDRESS:



DRONE DETAIL      MAKE/MODEL:                                 


Date of Drone Purchase:                         Purchased From:                                       







To avoid delays please include, drone, drone controller, props, charger, all cables & batteries. Make a list for yourself & take a photo.

Please note the following:

  1. If the drone has sand and requires cleaning, extra charges may apply even if under warranty.
  2. Please ask for a written quote if it is required


I accept the terms & Conditions                                                        Sign Here


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