Bullet Fishing Kontiki Auto-Pilot with Auto-Start Complete Package

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Bullet Fishing Kontiki Auto-Pilot with Auto-Start Complete Package 


Auto-pilot to keep your Kontiki on a direct bearing

Un-affected by iron sand which is present on many of our New Zealand West Coast beaches and lost GPS signal will not stop you from fishing

To view a video on Bullet Sonar and/or Bullet Auto-Pilot models copy this link;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mrTA7WILuM&t=458s

  • Automatic electronic Auto-pilot 
  • 54lb thrust 
  • Magnetic operated
  • 5-30 minute setting
  • Auto-cutout of the motor if the propeller is jammed
  • Auto-start, place the kontiki in the water and the motor starts once the timer is set
  • Comes with night activated strobe light


  • Kontiki
  • 5 x Batteries ( 2 x Lithium, 3 x SLA with chargers)
  • Electric Winch with 2000m Stoppered monofilament
  • 2 x 24oz Sinkers
  • Trace Rack with 26 x tubed traces
  • Weight: 17kg's with or 12.5kg's without batteries

Operation: Magnetic timer

  1. Place the Kontiki on the beach in the desired direction of travel.
  2.  Move magnet over the "SELECT" button at the end of the timer decal
  3. The LED lights will run through a sequence over several seconds, once the LED sequence stops the rudder is set
  4. Set the run time by placing the magnet over the "SELECT" button, the LEDs will advance from 5-10-15-20-25 to 30 minutes while the magnet is held in place, remove the magnet once the desired run time LED is illuminated
  5. The Kontiki is now armed and can be launched, the motor can be started by placing the kontiki in the water or by using the magnet over the START/STOP button on the timer decal
  6. The Kontiki motor can be stopped and the timer reset by placing the magnet over the START/STOP button

Kontiki can be run with two batteries instead of the standard three for a 15 minute set making the overall weight about 12.5kg so you have a very compact and light weight unit

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