Bullet Fishing Kontiki Auto-Pilot with Auto-Start
Auto-pilot to keep your Kontiki on a direct bearing
Un-affected by iron sand which is present on many of our New Zealand West Coast beaches and lost GPS signal will not stop you from fishing
To view a video on Bullet Sonar and/or Bullet Auto-Pilot models copy this link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mrTA7WILuM&t=458s
- Automatic electronic Auto-pilot
- 54lb thrust
- Magnetic operated
- 5-30 minute setting
- Auto-cutout of the motor if the propeller is jammed
- Auto-start, place the kontiki in the water and the motor starts once the timer is set
- 3 x 12v 9ah batteries (2 x Lithium, 1 x SLA)
- Comes with chargers and night activated strobe light
Operation: Magnetic timer
- Place the Kontiki on the beach in the desired direction of travel.
- Move magnet over the "SELECT" button at the end of the timer decal
- The LED lights will run through a sequence over several seconds, once the LED sequence stops the rudder is set
- Set the run time by placing the magnet over the "SELECT" button, the LEDs will advance from 5-10-15-20-25 to 30 minutes while the magnet is held in place, remove the magnet once the desired run time LED is illuminated
- The Kontiki is now armed and can be launched, the motor can be started by placing the kontiki in the water or by using the magnet over the START/STOP button on the timer decal
- The Kontiki motor can be stopped and the timer reset by placing the magnet over the START/STOP button
Kontiki can be run with two batteries instead of the standard three for a 15 minute set making the overall weight about 12.5kg so you have a very compact and light weight unit