Klik Sinkers Blue 10g - 80g (5 Options)

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Klik Sinkers Blue 10g - 80g (5 Options)

Qty: 1 Pack Klik Sinkers (Quantity in Pack varies with weight)

Size 4 Lite: 10 x 10g Code: 967393
Size 4: 10 x 20g Code: 363882
Size 6: 5 x 40g Code: 291542
Size 8: 4 x 60g Code: 363883
Size 10: 4 x 80g Code: 291543

Add and remove sinkers with ease - change range and depth at will to find the strike zone fast

Add sinkers from the boat – allows dynamic exploration of the water column

Store and travel with nude rods – remove the sinkers and you eliminate twists and damage to your car, rods and boat

Protective cases – protect flora, fauna, and your tinnie from exposed lead

Lumo option – fluorescent sinkers act like a beacon to attract fish at night or in the low light of deep water

Locking option – the sinker can be locked onto the line for unique fishing experiences including a KLIK first (bow lining)

Fish light – the ability to add sinkers as needed allows you to use pre-made terminal tackle rigs and leave the tackle box behind

Hard of sight – no need to thread the hole with Klik Sinkers
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