Surf Pulley Rigs (3 Top Sellers)

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  • Regular price $20.00
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Qty: 3 packs containing 5 surf rigs
Pack 1 on the left (floating hook pack) has 2 rigs, pack 2 in the middle (longcast) has 2 rigs & pack 3 on the right (transparent shrimp) has 1 rig
Total: 5 surf rigs
How a Pulley Rig Works
Pulley rigs are designed to minimise lost fish when fishing over rough ground. After the fish has been hooked the weight of the fish puts downwards pressure on the rig during the retrieve which
causes the sinker to slide upwards – off the bottom, reducing the chances of it becoming snagged. The pulley rig is also clipped down providing additional distance to casts and the shield
protects the bait on impact.
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roger78 (217 ) 
Great deal and awesome gear thanks once again
We have other surf rig listings too!
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